Vegetable Twilight & More! - by Makayla Kret

This is me standing by the pumpkin rows in the Urban Farming Research Clinic. The pumpkins are growing nicely!

This week I attended the Vegetable Twilight in Leonardtown. This event took place on Friday, and homemade ice cream, refreshments, and snacks were available too! This experience was a learning experience for me. We learned about wet season diseases like downy mildew, anthracnose, and powdery mildew. After we learned what each disease was and how to identify them, we learned how to manage and prevent each disease. I enjoyed spending time in the field at Stauffer Produce looking at the effects of different herbicides. This was an amazing opportunity for me to learn about vegetables and what goes into growing them. I enjoyed learning in a field setting and seeing the crops in person and listening to the questions others had. This helped me get a better understanding of growers and how much work goes into what they do. Hearing some stories about crop issues allowed me to feel empathy for growers and how difficult it could be for them. 

Throughout my internship, I have noticed that empathy is important in the workplace. It is crucial to be understanding of others and their experiences. Having empathy will help me understand why others might feel the way they do about a situation or why they do not have any experience in situations as well. Having empathy will allow me to be a better team player when working with others. I try to place myself in others' shoes as much as I can. This helps me get a better idea of what they are going through and provides more understanding for them. For example, listening to the farmers at the Twilight Tour helped me develop empathy. There have been times when produce stands near me have announced they are experiencing a shortage of a certain vegetable. I can see what they are experiencing from their point of view better than before. 

This internship has allowed me to expand my knowledge of agriculture and professional skills in general.

I know I will take the skills I have gained during my internship into my career field. I am so grateful to have been selected as part of the first cohort of this internship program!

 Me standing by the Urban Farming Research Clinic Sign. The plants have grown so quickly!
